PAVING! Quaker Ridge Court and Burning Ridge Lane 
Quaker Ridge Court (west side) and Burning Ridge Lane are scheduled for repaving. Click Post for Info.

Quaker Ridge Court (west side) and Burning Ridge Lane are scheduled for repaving.

If you live on one of these streets, please let your landscaper and any other vendor know about this. 

Below are some questions from the HOA Board and answers from the City of Fishers.

Q: Should homeowners on these streets park on Hamilton Pass while the work is being done? 

“While it would be appreciated by the contractor to have as little vehicle traffic as possible and so parking on Hamilton Pass would be kind, residents will also be able to park in their driveways. They may experience very short term delays in getting out of their driveway (15 or so minutes) when the milling off of the old road surface is occurring. When paving of the new asphalt occurs, they may have limited access when paving is occurring directly in front of their home for up to 30-40 minutes.”

 Q: How long is the repaving expected to take? 

“Around 2-3 days total for base repair, milling, and resurfacing.”

 Q: When will it be OK to drive on the new pavement? 

“If you are backing out of a driveway and will be “turning or twisting” your front tires, you will need to wait approximately 45 minutes after the new asphalt has been laid and rolled.”